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Me Tarzan. You Elections

We import our ignorance. We import our beliefs. We import our world view.
We import the jargon of our big sister and the seasons they have [after coming off a big summer sale… IN TRINIDAD… some companies are unveiling their FALL collection for clothes and such. I suppose one can argue that SUMMER is a state of mind/a feeling but FALL? Okay].
We import their sense of bias. We import their creativity [consider the 2010 Kamla “RISE” campaign that felt eerily familiar to “YES WE CAN”]. We DO NOT import their sense of self-assurance though…

As an ally – or else a business partner – it is vital that we watch [since we can’t take an active role] to see who ascends to the throne. Because it will come back to haunt ALL of us. Especially economically. Do not wait until when your family can’t send that barrel every month; or when you realise your VISA application requires you to dance to Harry Belafonte’s version of Matilda while you juggle balls; or when your son/daughter in their protective services lies bleeding in a territory fighting a thinly veiled oil war… don’t wait till then to be interested in big sister’s politics.

Now, while I shall be supporting Europe and Asia during the coming zombie apocalypse… My vote is for Obama guy. Not because he’s black or any of those asinine reasons. It’s because of his ears. I like big… nibble-able ears. That’s why I watch Will Smith movies. Seriously though, his ears tell me that that guy will listen. He will hear and he will understand. And I have a sneaky feeling that he won’t use my beliefs/Faith to get me to vote for him. He’ll use what he believes is truth.  My friend standing over me says – “That means nothing”. But in some metaphorical sensibility… I think it does.

Honestly though, should we at least TRY to pay attention to what's happening in the world?
It's like LOVING the UEFA and not knowing any of the anthems played. There is no sense in that. 
Be attuned to the world stage.


*my friend, Reina Maria suggested the "nibble-able" line. I was going for "nibbly". 
Decision 2012. You Decide.


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