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Me Tarzan. You Practicality

Differentolgy by Bunji Garlin. Feels mature. As if Carnival itself matured...

If he hasn’t gotten it yet, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg should be given the humanitarian award for 2012.
With just a click of a button he has given us the ability to share propaganda, like hungry children and generally feel a sense of accomplishment without doing one thing. Mark’s little social network has birthed more preachers than any one seminary; given science a crusading banner and have adapted the soapbox to more expertly modern means. Of course, there is a downside and it is called Emotion.

Emotion on a social network is – to me – akin to what supposedly happens in the darkness of a movie theatre: inhibitions go down as the screen lights up. And when that happens, the logical – or else more thought out way of doing things - is replaced with a need to be… slightly more ridiculous that usual. Take for example, a lovely little group that intends for us all to blank Carnival. Now, I admit I also have intentions of blanking [a great deal of] the scene for the sheer hypocrisy associated with Carnival and let’s not start on the thinly veiled “research” that goes into costumes every year. But what really ticks me off with this group is the lack of a PRACTICAL solution to the dangers of Carnival. Their goal is to spread the good news of the gospel and help turn people away from the morally deficient activities of the festival… and it’s all being done online. iChuckle. Online. Where nothing happens. Oh come now, Tracy! Surely you can’t possibly believe that online penetration is not without its merits?! That’s where most people spend their time! That’s where YOU spend your time! Quite right. As an advertising writer, I’ve seen how the social networking can accomplish great things. But more times than not, it’s backed up with something real/tangible. As far as I have seen, this movement holds a lot of pontificating and nothing at all practical.

Like, how about setting up a fund with members to help those less fortunate who WANT to blank carnival, escape to a more soul stirring place like the traditional camps? When I was little, I went to approximately two, maybe three camps. It’s a very strange thing with Good People. They will pray you into the Kingdom but some won’t lift a finger to your aid. So when my mother can’t afford to send me to camp, what am I supposed to do? Once, at literally, the day of departure, I was able to pay the allotted fee and was thus able to go. That didn’t happen all the time. How many youth events could I have gone to if I a). had the money or b). was surrounded by someone who had a vision to pay my fees? As an adult, I have no issue PAYING for someone to go to camp, because I know what it’s like to not be able to. THAT is a practical solution. Maybe setting up a fund is too radical, but… how about reminding your charmed flock to TAKE CARE… OF THEIR OWN? Of course, the other reasons I don’t go anywhere is, after a while, you don’t feel like you belong and more importantly… you feel slightly superior [because when they have to come ask you for answers to the Biblical quiz… alright]

There were times that I genuinely FEARED Carnival. I felt the music deep in my bones and I just wanted to hide under a rock from November till February [or March]. I have understood though, that that is ridiculous. Besides which, the current crop of crap is not at all awe-inspiring. Speaking of awe-inspiring though, I am told of Carnival long ago; of yards of cloth parting in the streets, mimicking the Cecil B Demille Red Sea flick. I am told of powerful pageantry and characters based in lore, parading the streets for two days. I have sat down to watch Dimanche Gras [TTT for the win] and seen the spectacular, grace the stage and hear lyrical poets command a crowd. An artform – by the way – that is also co-opted by the Good People [we call it Gospelypso]. Do the followers of groups like this KNOW of their creative heritage? Has anyone asked how do we take this corrupt festival and the ART that [used to be] associated with it and find a PRACTICAL means for it? When a movement strongly calls for the blanking of something, it is usually seen from the end-user’s perspective. In this case, it is the masquerader and the musicians who are targeted [because everybody evil]. But what of the wire bender, the artisan, the seamstress etc? What PRACTICAL alternatives will you venture to offer to these people? Granted, the soca star can use their talents elsewhere, but what will the wire bender [an actual craft] do now? Mold crosses? How long before the Good People – filled with emotion – decry their talents?

One time I ventured into one the group and asked to speak with the ADMIN to discuss privately my queries. There were more things that were on my mind but I have since resolved them. I received no response save the following from one of my brother’s friends: “The hostile do not seek enlightenment but only to ridicule teachings which they have yet to understand.” Emotion. On a social network. With no practical recourse. Well done, Good People. Well done.


*by the way, this “hostile” was learning ADULT THEISM BIBLE WORK when he was like… seven or nine. He was querying and questioning philosophies since he was four. I guess what I’m saying is, if I’m hostile for asking for solid answers well… that’s just sad.


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