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Me Tarzan. You Burn It All Down [prt 5]

The theme for this series is: Paint it Black; because there comes a time when we must burn everything down. Even the excuses

“I’m waiting for things to be perfect…”
I’m doing it the proper way: I finished volume one of my seven volume book, working on volume two [I know what happens all the way to seven]; sent out a couple copies to a few beta testers [just to make sure I’m not writing in my head] and tweaked/pruned where needs be. I’m strategising the marketing for them; I know the team to draw the characters; the prequel novels [for some of the characters] have and/or are being written. … Meanwhile, every body and their aunt is making an ebook and putting it out there. There are a few liegitimate good ones. Two of my friends have the eformat down pat and I am proud. I’ll help market their books. And that’s the thing – fixing everyone else while what you love stays hidden; possibly because of fear/of having people NOT get you… again. So it has to be perfect. And yes, timing is everything, but is it JUST about timing? Or does the idea of success frighten? Don’t let you cause FEAR to stop you from flourishing. 

Next: “When I get the money, I’ll get it done.”


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