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Me Tarzan: You OGMABA Wk1

           Every Friday. On This Blog. OH. JUST. GIVE. ME... A BREAK ALREADY! (said dramatically like Scandal)

Alright, alright. Let’s talk the God Wife and be done with forever.

a). OF COURSE the text is real; you think 66 books were the only ones in existence back in the day? EVERYONE WROTE…. The reason though, why mainstream Christianity will not buy into it, is because there were factions back then. You had the Apostolic Christianity (St. Peter’s works, St. Paul etc.) and you had Gnostic Christianity. You had factions that believed the soul couldn’t be touched; that the body could do/be as evil as it might be but the soul remained pure which conflicted with the doctrine that the soul (seat of emotions/will/power) could be darkened and needed a Saviour. Grief, you even had factions who believed the new Christians should circumcise and follow the Moses Law (which brought no end of grief to the likes of St. Paul). Thus, with all these factions and other books running around, the likelihood that a). Someone might’ve heard something, missed something or said something and interpreted it as something else is of course a valid truth. For years, and in scripture, the Church was/is metaphorically called the Bride of Christ; He is constantly referred to as “The Bridegroom” (thus His return will be Him coming for his spotless and pure Bride). This is the Lord quoted as saying, "My mother and brothers are those who hear God's word and put it into practice." So in reality, Bride, wife could have meant anything.

b). Let’s face it – boys are hardheaded. Here’s the Son God talking about love, redemption and the way to the Father and they (his disciples) are talking about burning a village with fire (Luke 9:54); His job (as basically the Face of the Company/CEO) is to say to man, “you do not belong to the serpent; I’m here to fix that.”; they’re job (the disciples) was apparently to chop someone’s ears off (St. Peter in the Garden before the crucifixion). So if He (Jesus) was close to Mary M it’s because women get things differently. Call it intuition, call it wisdom, they just do. A priest and a prophetess told His mother (Mary 1) what his destiny would be and she “kept all these things in her heart”. Strong women think things through; understand better. So, having had an encounter with the Saviour, she would’ve known better or understood more. Women back in the day weren’t just child bearing cloths; WISDOM is defined as a woman in Proverbs. All that aside, having a close female companion doth not a wife make. This was the ancient world. He’s 30. His life’s goal was fulfilling a mission. If as a rabbi/future rabbi he was going to have a wife, his parents would have found him one already (cue Abraham finding a wife for Isaac centuries before).

c). As a creative (fantasy) writer, let me tell you what would’ve happened if Jesus had a wife and child. Hebrew-Biblical Israel would’ve been the centre of world power. It would’ve been the Vatican, the America; THE power on Earth. Rome would not have been able to sack it. Rome would not have been able to stand up much against it. This isn’t Dan Brown (books good; movies suck). This isn’t the Templars. He or She would’ve been out of the shadows doing things. Just look at the spiritual followers (spiritual children/joint-heirs) – they (generally) don’t hide are known for/by their actions the world over. And if it’s ONE THING the history of fables dictates, is that a demi god CANNOT be hid from the universe for very long. Also, the next stage of human development would have led to strife since somewhere down the line one of the Homo Celestiai would’ve gotten corrupted. And the last time a celestial – in this case the angels of Genesis (among other sources) – had mortal children, we had giants, war and yes… a flood.  Now Jesus Himself said beware of many false Saviours, coming, claiming they were Him; a statement made relatively near the end of His ministry/career. If the Son God had a wife or children (potential new world saviours), He wouldn’t have said this. Instead, He would’ve prepared us/the world to welcome them.* 
Sigh. Oh Just Give Me A Break Already. 

*He’s also quoted as saying: “I am the Way, Truth and Light. No Man comes to the Father but by [through] me.” – Again, no children/wife there.

Addendum: But let's ask this question though... if Jesus had a wife, would it have changed His message/the impact of His message and sacrifice? Feel free to answer. Pax


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