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Me Tarzan. You [Not] Voting

Go ahead, ask me why I'm not voting. Ask me why I would give up my constitutional right to choose the 'lesser of two evils. Ask me if I am aware of the importance of Democracy and why I NEED to take part in this, another ‘Mother of Elections’. Speak to me all the things I've thought about or believed in and I'll tell you two words: Space Program.

I have a belief system that says: Leaders are meant to provide a framework for an actual future instead of merely pandering to the public's present. This fabulous secret was revealed to me, not as I held aloft my magic sword but as I listened to ads about pipe-borne water, community centers and of course, housing developments. It dawned on me that any government bent on taking their citizenry to a First World/Self Sufficient/Scientifically and Spiritually sound future must have a vision or else a working hypothesis of where they want the nation to be. This vision/hypothesis may be considered outlandish or downright impossible to some but it should still be pursued anyway. In the private sector, as a Creative Advertising Writer, I learned early on that it is better to go the client with a supremely creative thought (that can be implemented with a little care and investing) than to do just enough to keep them happy. So when I see roads being paved and houses being distributed, I realized that that falls in the category of ‘just enough’ and nothing of note that adds innovation is being offered. The masses will still cheer because new roads beat having no roads but isn't that what you're SUPPOSED to be getting already?
You're SUPPOSED to have adequate housing. You're SUPPOSED to have more than decent healthcare. You're SUPPOSED to have schools that are infrastructually and intellectually sound. You're SUPPOSED to have a decent working wage and have acceptable standards for living for the elderly. These things are called BASIC amenities for a reason. So if these are basic, why then are our voting patterns still based on them? Why do we still get excited upon hearing that our prospective candidates want to 'give' us these amenities? Shouldn't we - after 50 plus years of independences- be looking forward to an actual future?

As I've said before on this blog, I'd like to hear our politicians say something like, "we intend to position Trinidad and Tobago as the authority on scientific research in the Caribbean by 2019. Starting with..." (list policies, plans etc.).

Which brings us back to the matter of a Space Programme. I believe that Trinidad and Tobago has the resources to invest in a future where we become a hub for the development of space exploration. So I wrote a note to the leaders of the prospective parties and placed it on their respective social media pages and also on their websites. The question was as follows:
“Good day all; I have a question that I’m sending out to all the Political Entities/Leaders contesting the General Elections. If you’d be kind enough to lend me your thoughts, I would be ever so grateful.
Q: I believe that Trinidad & Tobago has the resources (human and natural) and the potential – with the right push – to launch a dedicated space program within a few years. Do you think this is possible and if so, what steps are you putting/would you put in place to make the T&T Space Centre a reality?”
I got nothing. No response from anyone. To date. What's truly amusing is that I've gotten emails from the Government inviting me to join and vote for Team Kamla. Letters where they call me by my first name, “Tracy J, join us in…” blah blah blah. Now they have my email address and such because A YEAR AGO [or so] there was a big JOIN THE NATIONAL DISCUSSION campaign. I clicked the website. I answered their little questions. I figured, “treat this as if this was the only time you’ll ever meet the Prime Minister”… I got no response. None. Forgive me, but I ASSUMED that a CONVERSATION implied feedback. How daft of me. Not that I expect the other side to treat with little ol’ me any better. Yet here we are, in the throes of election (yes, ‘throes’) and I’m – on the regular – being sent emails about my vote but NOT about the things that matter to me. …. So if no one cares about the things that matter to me, why am I voting again? For new roads? Better houses? Oh, you mean stuff we’re meant to have already… no thanks. It’s been swell but… no.



I also sent the question to the THIRD FORCE people. Hilariously, the day I finally posted this question to them was the day, they all called it quits.


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