I have been disturbed and now, I must speak about it. Thirty-three years on Planet MeglaZoid and though many things have changed over the years, one truth remains absolute: People with power have no higher cognitive abilities. This is apparent when dealing with Marketing Managers and politicians; for the sake of this post however, we will focus on Marketing Managers. Seriously though, for the politician, you see it evident when policies and processes are put in place that seem to have no connect with their target audience; when taxi drivers have a better grasp on what should be done infrastructurally. For the Marketing Manager, it becomes evident when they not only show no true grasp on how to make money for the brand they represent but they also fail to connect with the people they claim to serve. To be fair though, it’s not just the marketing manager’s fault but also the entire marketing team that needs to be drawn and quartered. I thought your job was to make money for the Br...
Intellectualism Before Baboons