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Showing posts from December, 2015

Me Tarzan. You Star Wars

Let's Talk Star Wars: The Force Awakens... (long note) I sat down yesterday, to watch Empire Strikes Back and while I loved and will always love that film, I realised the flaws and issues every one screams about with "Awakens" has been sitting there in the franchise ever since, but the magic of Star Wars affords for these perceived flaws to be rationalised, hypothesized and even novelised, hereby placating the gnawing beast of fandom. And we were fine with it; in the late 70's-early 80's, this was a blow-mind adventure unlike anything we'd seen. Superman told us a man can fly (and spin the world backwards) and Star Wars told us that we have great power [to overcome any obstacle]. Star Wars... the franchise... not any one isolated film. But back to the matter at hand, like: Yoda telling Force Ghost Obi-Wan, "there is another" and it took us a few years [Return of the Jedi] to realise that the "other" was Luke's sister. When Luke uses t...