The theme for this series is: Paint it Black; because there comes a time when we must burn everything down. Even the excuses “I’m waiting for things to be perfect…” I’m doing it the proper way: I finished volume one of my seven volume book, working on volume two [I know what happens all the way to seven]; sent out a couple copies to a few beta testers [just to make sure I’m not writing in my head] and tweaked/pruned where needs be. I’m strategising the marketing for them; I know the team to draw the characters; the prequel novels [for some of the characters] have and/or are being written. … Meanwhile, every body and their aunt is making an ebook and putting it out there. There are a few liegitimate good ones. Two of my friends have the eformat down pat and I am proud. I’ll help market their books. And that’s the thing – fixing everyone else while what you love stays hidden; possibly because of fear/of having people NOT get you… again. So it has to be perfect. And yes, timin...
Intellectualism Before Baboons