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Showing posts from March, 2013

Me Tarzan. You Epistle of the Strange

I wrote an Easter Children's play called - Reason to Believe. Fairly self explanatory I think.  As i'm standing outside my soon to be ex office though,  watching black birds fly overhead, I am reminded WHY people don't believe. Imagine a story where a prophet is fed by ravens day after day. I told the blackbirds to fetch me money... that's not going to happen [I've done it before you see].  Oh, here's one: a prophet goes into a room, prays for a dead child and he wakes. Or how about the Apostles - whose shadows alone had the power to heal the sick.  Now, let's not forget, these acts were done through God, with God's help to DEMONSTRATE the power of the Living God... it's just funny to me that we don't seem to see that kind of thing happen anymore. Or maybe i'm blind to the obvious manifestations.  Oh but those are just stories meant to inspire good and strength. Clearly you haven't visited the Church. These are real. These things...

Me Tarzan. You Mourn

What, I'm a writer. I'm always melodramatic. And i'm putting this  post out because, maybe it will help somebody. That's me, all about helping... “If you need some time and space to brood i'll understand.” I laughed. As I said to him, I’m Dr. Fate with a Green Lantern Fetish  - I don’t brood. This of course [now that I think of it] is a lie. I DO brood. Massively so. But as lightbearer, I smile and get over life’s little hilarities. Like the fact that after nearly a year of secretly crushing, I finally told him the truth and he doesn’t feel the same way. Yes, him. What. Now before you “aww” and all that shit, bear in mind this was EXACTLY the outcome I prepped for. I was worried about too many things – like the fact that the Church people have gossiped enough about my mom and my family [if you think the world is hilarous, spend some time with the “Good People”]… I was worried that “people” would be right after all. And I grant you, the idea of tell...

Me Tarzan. You RECAP!

The theme for the series was: PAINT IT BLACK. This is the recap. So you missed the BURN IT DOWN SERIES?  Well you have no excuse [oh the irony]. See the recap here! 1). "If I give it all up to God, I'll be Boring" Read it here 2). "If I go the gym, they'll know" Read it here 3). "I don't want to hurt them" Read it here 4). "I'm waiting... [for the full package]" Read it here 5). "I'm waiting for things to perfect" Read it here 6). "When I get the money, I'll get it done" Read it here 7). "Well I'm dying anyways, so..." Read it here

Me Tarzan. You Burn It All Down [prt 7]

This song, "Paint it black" was the theme for this week's Burn It All Down series. Today, the series ends. “Well, I’m dying anyways so…” I’m not dying. But I am aware that from day one by body has not always been my ally. From Ashthma to Scoliosis to this new thing about lung infections… my body is hilarious. And let’s not talk about the headaches, ear infections and this vein in my head… anyways, God is good. Sidebar: on the weeks leading up to my spinal surgery in 2007, I did a lung function test. I think they said – one was working at full strength. One. Funny. End Sibdebar. No, I’m not dying but one time I did ask myself: “What is your last act of defiance?” If death was near, would sitting down on facebook be my last act of defiance? I still live online but I now I know differently. If you actively knew you were going to die, would you just sit around and wait for it; accelerate the progess by giving up your will? Or would you soldier on? What’s you...

Me Tarzan. You Burn It All Down [prt 6]

The theme for this series is: Paint it Black; because ther ecomes a time when we must burn it all down. Even the excuses “When I get the money, I’ll get it done.” This one isn’t mine, it’s a groovy co-worker’s. Now I understand the logic here but the day she made that statement, I just blew up. It was just as daft as my “things to be perfect” plan . No one says to put yourself in more debt than needs be, but in the same way we take loans for Carnival and/or Christmas [because last year’s curtains are too… last year], take one and start living/doing what needs to be done. I have an apartment that I bought fully when I was twenty-eight [twenty-six if you could the payments before]; I’m updating [adding value] to the apartment even now. It’s not that I won the lotto, it’s because things need to be done. Have we learned nothing from House Hunters International? *   Don’t sit and wait for money to happen before you happen. Next:  “Well, I’m dying anyways so…” * I...